The RingBunny
Ecurie Europe
Sabine Schmitz
Odd bits
Jørund Seim
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A quickie, this one. I didn't have any fixed plans for this
weekend, but on Sunday morning I decided to head to the Ring and
arrived a little past 14.00 hours. Things were reasonably quiet and
there were no familiar faces in sight. Car-of-the-day was again the
147, if only because the 964 hadn't had its tyres replaced yet :-)
Upon arrival I spotted two Ferrari's (OK, they're difficult to
overlook): a 512 and a 360. The 360 came with an entourage: a guy with
a mobile phone, two girls in folding chairs that matched the car and a
Mercedes (SL? Didn't pay it much attention.) support vehicle. The
image was slightly spoiled by the fact that one of the chairs still
had its original plastic packing material around the tubes of the
frame. And by the conspicuous absence of a barbecue ;-)
The new camcorder got its first test under real-life circumstances
(i.e., at the Ring). I'd tried it out on "normal" roads and it seemed
to work well, but as we all know: there's no substitute for the Ring
:) I haven't decided on a mounting system yet, so I just used a lot of
tape to keep it in place on the dashboard. Worked pretty well, except
that it wanted to focus on the dead bugs on the windshield sometimes
The first two laps were reasonably quiet. Lots of warning signs for
oil spills though. Not too many other people around, so things were
very relaxed. I was passed by two dutch bikers at Antoniusbuche, but
caught them up again at T13. They were obviously paying close
attention to their mirrors and waved me by. Thanks guys! At the end of
the day I realised that there were quite a few bikers who clearly
indicated they had seen me (with one notable
exception, though...). It makes a world of difference when you're
behind the wheel of a car wondering if (s)he's seen you or not. Some
of the bikers that overtook me even managed to free up a hand or foot
to wave thanks when I indicated and made room. It's much appreciated!
On the third lap I took Euan round, to remind him how life is when
you're doing 10 mins plus BTG. He told me the Ring Mini had crashed on
one of those oil spills. I'd seen the tracks he made just before Hohe
Acht. Apparently a certain high-powered yellow Porsche dropped the
oil. As a result of the many oil spills, lots of bikers had come to
grief too. A crash at Schwedenkreuz looked rather serious, and when I
got back the track was closed. I found out that Martin's Caterham had
developed an ignition problem, so Martin had decided to use the
closure to hike to Adenauer Forst and do some spectating.
When the closure was over I did two more laps. During the first I was
overtaken by the F360! Wonderful sound. A bit less wonderful was the
bike who overtook me before Schwedenkreuz, only to slam the brakes on
as if he'd suddenly remembered that he'd lost his wallet at Hatzenbach
or something equally urgent. Anyway, the 147 earned some more
affection by making it, and lost some affection because it lost its
composure while doing so, even though I kept it on the grey stuff. It
made me think many happy thoughts about the braking performance of the
156 Selespeed, now in car heaven.
A silver Exige overtook me
while going down to Breidscheid. Nice car :) Going up Ex-Mühle is
torture in the 147: the revs drop more than 2000 rpm when going from
2nd to 3rd. Which means that even if you stretch 2nd 200rpm past the
normal shifting point, it still dies on you when you go to third :(
Lap five of the day I started out behind an Opel Kadett who did some
interesting (but useless) weaving about after passing the bridge.
Carroll Smith
has some interesting comments about this: "This nonsense is supposed
to warm the tires prior to the start of the race. What all of this
unchoreographed and undignified butt wiggling actually accomplishes
(besides the odd accident) is to satisfy the drivers' need to do
something constructive during the pace lap. What it does not do is
effectively warm the tires."
Also note that Michael Schumacher doesn't do it, and he's usually
reasonably quick during the first lap of a race :)
During this lap I found out that Fuchsröhre is flat in the 147 :) And
so is the stretch from the exit of Karusell to Hohe Acht. I had an
interesting long-range duel with a Citroen Xantia on this lap. He
started at the same time, disappeared from view before I got to
Hohenrain, but I caught him up again at Hohe Acht. At that point he
managed to overtake a biker. I must say that I'm grateful to that
biker, because he made the recording of this lap into one of the best
in my collection. In case you've seen Cossiekiller at the Ring: my
footage is almost as good as his "Biker Nutter" lap :-) The guy is on
the line only by accident, even if there's a clear view of the entire
next corner. It's almost as if he's taking a defensive line to make
overtaking impossible. At the straight bits he floors it (naturally;
can't let the spectators see a bloody slow car overtake you, now can
you?). Still, I manage to carry enough speed out of Brünnchen II to
have to lift not to go beside him. A similar thing occurs at Eiskurve,
but there he takes the
defensive line again. On
entry to Pflanzgarten we again see an interesting line: I'm no bike
rider, but to me it looks as if he's preparing to turn left... Again I
carry more speed, this time so much that we're now side by side. At
which point I do some quick thinking and back off before we get to his
(!) turn-in point for Pflanzgarten III by giving the brakes a short
dab. Which is just as well, because I got the distinct impression that
he'd managed not to see me. Finally, over the big jump I could
generate enough pace to go past safely. The Xantia was home for dinner
by that time ;-) I had a quick look around to see if I could spot the
biker afterwards and ask him how he felt his lap had gone and to give
him a safety leaflet, but I couldn't find him.
In the meantime, Euan had given Rob a passenger lap. Rob then insisted
on returning the favour by taking Euan round (in Euan's car). In all
likelihood they were the two luckiest guys around that day, because
Rob took the 'taking round' bit literally by spinning the car at
Breidscheid. Somehow they didn't hit a wall or the armco... Again
there was no camcorder running :-((
After a break to let things cool down a bit I took Euan out for two
laps (his car needed some cooling down). By that time I had a pretty
good idea how fast most corners could be taken in the 147, so the
tyres were squealing a lot.
This was helped by the newish front tyres (Pirelli) that squeal more
than any tyre I've ever had under any car. Good grip and very
progressive, though. We started out behind a local Polo and Mk.1
Escort, both kitted up with roll cage, big exhaust and loads of other
stuff. By the time we entered T13 the Polo came flying past, and I let
the Escort by to avoid spoiling their private race. At the entry to
Schwedenkreuz we had caught up to the Escort again, following him
through Aremberg by doing a 100-yard
drift (estimate by Euan) starting when braking for Aremberg and
all the way through to the exit >:-). Euan put it nicely: "This car
has no power whatsoever, but it's sliding all over the place." You can
blame Alfa for the "no power" bit, but I'm afraid I'm to blame for the
"sliding" bit :-))
The Escort apparently didn't know the track very well, which he neatly
combined with not looking in his mirrors. As a result, he nearly had
two accidents in 30 seconds: first by braking in the middle of the
road up Fuchsröhre, almost ending up with a biker through his rear
window, than by turning in on the same biker coming into Adenauer
Forst (nice display of bike control by the biker!). I'm glad my
passenger liked the near continous tyre squeal and the mid-corner gear
changes (without interrupting tyre squeal, of course) :-) Oh, did I
mention that Mutkurve is flat in the 147? Especially after being
passed at the entry by a 964RS that's going 50km/h faster? The final
feat of the Escort was to almost crash into the 964RS, but that's not
really visible on the camcorder :(
Brünnchen II was nice too.
At Pflanzgarten III we had a bit of a flashback, thanks to an Audi
quattro braking right on the line. He made up for it by not seeing two
GT3's intending to blast past both of us, though ;-)
Despite all this we managed to almost catch up on the Polo by the end
of the lap :)
The second lap with Euan contained lots of squealing too, e.g. at
Aremberg. By the time we came to the
Karussell Euan was starting to feel a
little sorry for the car :-)
The lap was even fairly quick at 10.00 BTG. Not bad considering the
10.30 I did last time out.
After all this low-speed excitement I was glad to occupy Euan's
passenger seat for two laps in order to experience some serious speed
again. We had two nice laps, the second of which was particularly
smooth. Quite a bit less tyre squeal than I'm used to in that car, but
at least as quick, I think :)
I really enjoyed it.
I then did two final laps, bringing my lap total to 37. One of those I
managed 9.57 on an almost entirely clear track, clocking a
record-breaking 160km/h indicated up Kesselchen :-))
On the way back home I swung by Sliders to deliver a video tape
containing the Ring Taxi lap and some other interesting laps to Bren.
Which came in handy, as he'd forgotten to record that day's superbike
race. I hope everybody staying there enjoyed it :)
My apologies to those who read this far: I may have gone overboard a
little on the vidcaps. New toy :-) Unfortunately I didn't do still
photography on this trip: I had too much fun driving, and not enough
time/energy :)